Category Mommyhood

And Now I Present to You Mr. and Mrs.

On Sunday, T-Daddy and I finally got a part of the treasure we’ve been searching for. We got married. It was beautiful weather and a beautiful ceremony. TD2 decided she’d rather count sheep and so she missed the ceremony, but… Continue Reading →

And, We’re Officially Preschoolers

Today was the first day of PRESCHOOL for the TD’s. It’s been bittersweet leading up to this day. I really like the school and the theory behind it. They adopt a constructivism style of teaching (think Montessori), which means the… Continue Reading →

Potty Chronicles: Self-Trained

A while back, T-Daddy and I decided that the time had come for us to be consistent in our potty training of TD2. The problem is that our lives and our schedules are usually pretty inconsistent. Luckily, last Saturday, one… Continue Reading →

T-Talks: Frosting

Overheard at the dinner table: T-Mommy: May I be excused? TD1: Ummmm, I still see food. T-Mommy: I’m gonna save it for later. TD1: Oh ok, you can be excused. T-Mommy: I ate all my vegetables. TD1: But why you didn’t… Continue Reading →

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