What a week! We started a new week and new month the same day. Those are my second favorite kinda weeks (the first is new week/month/year combo).
I started work for real, for real this week, showing up in the office for full days. *gasp* It felt both good and weird to be back in the swing of things. I’m so glad that TD3 is at home with T-Daddy, but I miss her sooooo much when I’m at work. I recognize how blessed I am for this transition period, but it doesn’t make it easy to be away from my little munchkin. I’m pretty sure my body instinctively knows when she’s eating at home and my milk lets down.

What did I do to deserve being mom to these three? And the way TD1 and TD2 love on TD3…be still my heart.
Speaking of which, I’m still trying to figure out this pumping thing. I’m really rusty and it just seems like such a hassle setting up and breaking down, not to mention trying to fit it in between meetings. It’s a five-minute drive home, yet I still sometimes end up with spilled milk. What am I doing wrong?? Seriously.
I managed to get a play date AND a theater date in with the big TDs, so I feel pretty confident I’m killing this mom of three thing this week. We won’t talk about the times I may have lost my cool or gotten somewhere late or only ate breakfast cookies for breakfast. That’s just throwing shade on my parade.
We had a family vote and the girls decided they wanted to get a real Christmas tree this year. It’s the first one for everyone except T-Daddy (who motioned for a real one). We picked one out and put it up last night. As the girls were helping T-Daddy decorate, TD2 exclaimed “This is gonna be the best Christmas ever! Because we have [TD3].” And I couldn’t agree more.
12/08/2019 at 2:44 PM
Y’all make me sick. She just made me cry. 🥰🥰🥰🥰
12/17/2019 at 11:05 PM
Join the club! I stay ugly crying lol