This week our reality went virtual. We had a virtual game night with our community group. I had a few virtual hangouts. Made some new Pokémon Go friends. I oversaw remote learning for the older TDs. We took a few marine biology courses on FB Live. Went to a few concerts on Instagram and Facebook. Our dining room has (temporarily?) become an e-learning and entertainment center. This is the (virtual) life.
It’s been an adjustment for sure, but we are all doing really well. I really can’t complain. The girls are starting to miss their friends and their teachers, but that was to be expected eventually. I’m grateful that we have the space to spread out so that we don’t want to kill each other. Our schedules have definitely shifted in the midst of all of this. And I’m okay with it. As one of my friends told me, “There are no rules. None.”
TD3 had her 6-month checkup today. She’s doing great…maybe a little too great since we were warned to baby proof our entire house for a fully mobile baby because it’s coming. So fair warning fam and friends: next time you see TD3 in person, she might be walking up on you snatching snacks. I will try my best to teach her manners, but no guarantee those lessons will sink in.

#Rona got me out here channeling my inner Scorpion
Going out today was a bit of a reality check. It was probably the first time I had left the house (or our yard) since the original shelter-in-place mandate had been given. T-Daddy has been making all of our grocery store runs. I was anxious about going to the doctor, but since we don’t know how this is all going to play out, we decided it was best to get in to see her doctor before wellness visits aren’t an option anymore (if it comes to that). Well, only one parent could go with TD3 and all other children had to be left at home. Since I’m the milk provider, I was automatically the designated parent. I packed very light took a few change of diapers and wipes in a plastic baggy versus the usual diaper bag. T-Daddy told me to make sure I covered my face, so I wrapped up in a scarf and off we went. When I got to the doctor’s office, I had to have my temperature taken before we were even allowed to check in. Everyone had on a mask. It was beyond unnerving for TD3. She didn’t want anyone to touch her and didn’t want me to put her down. Half of her exam and her shots were done in my arms. When we came home, TD3 and I stripped, showered, and changed clothes. I don’t know that I have ever Lysol’d my car or belongings so many times for one single trip out the house.
Life’s super looney right now. But we’re all in this together. I’m checking in with my parents and siblings more than I ever have. I’m scheduling check-ins with friends. I’m looking for ways to connect the TDs with their classmates. And I’m trying to be compassionate and empathetic towards my friends who aren’t enjoying this extended time in as much as I am. (I may be singing a different song come April 30, but we’ll see.)
Till next week, #StayHome and #HappyQuarantining!
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