This was a pretty good week for us. It was a lot of the same ol’ same ol’ – staying in the house, remote learning, virtual hanging out. But I also got around to some spring cleaning and being in our backyard. In fact, there was a day we spent most of the day outside and it felt amazing. I can’t wait to do this more. (Looking at you Chicago weather.) I also participated in a 5-day health challenge that my sister-in-law invited me to. It was a real eye opener at just how inactive I have become. But it was good to get moving again. Hoping I can stick to it now that the challenge is over.
The big thing this week was Easter Weekend. And it was probably the most stressed I felt this week. For a family that is trying our hardest to stick seriously to this quarantine business, we had a jam-packed weekend. It wasn’t really planned but just kind of happened. (I guess old habits really do die hard.)
On Good Friday, we had the world premiere of Trolls World Tour (loved it!!), Good Friday service online, and a FB Live saxophone concert for me and T-Daddy. Saturday I found out that the Easter Bunny was driving around our neighborhood. What I thought would be a quick 5-minute thing turned into us looking outside our window for 2 hours while we waited for it to finally be our turn. Then the race was on to go grocery shopping, disinfect everything, fill and hide eggs (because you know I just happened to check the weather and found out it was gonna rain all day on Easter…the day we planned to egg hunt), get dressed, and attend Easter service. It was looking anxiously bleak there for a second, but we managed to do it all and even threw in another FB Live saxophone Easter concert while we got ready.
I have to admit, I wasn’t a big fan of FB (or IG) Lives before the quarantine (they required I sit still when I constantly had stuff to do), but I am thoroughly enjoying the ones I pop in on. Especially the music concerts. I love going to concerts and since having kids, it’s been one of the things that I’ve done less and less. Being able to attend concerts from all over the country right from the comfort of my house is giving my soul an unspeakable joy during this time. When this is all over, I hope these concerts continue.

Her face is a WHOLE mood. TD3 was not interested in those plastic eggs.
Our 2020 T5 Easter Egg Hunt turned out to be a success. I managed to fill the eggs with scriptures and candy in record time and hide them without the older TDs noticing. The actual egg hunt only lasted 2.5 minutes. So note to self: next year, plan better and make it harder. Still, the Big TDs loved it. TD3, on the other hand, was not interested at all. She loved being outside, but she was not trying to grab any of her eggs. She did stay up for the entire Easter service though, so I guess her priorities are right.
All and all, Quarantine Holy Week was good to us. Till next week, stay home and stay safe y’all!
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