Well here we are. Just two days away from celebrating our first year as parents of three. Mama we made it!
Last week was crazy, so in this last week I am giving you all a two-for-one update.
Week 51

This week was all about the princess herself – TD1. I worked extra hard to try to make this quarantine birthday as special as I could. Her birthday was a special school holiday. We had a few people drive by and wish her happy birthday in person from a distance. She got a special birthday hairstyle. We had a zoom party. She had an amazing cake…and paletas. I ordered her a special birthday balloon bouquet. And we took pictures. She said it was amazing. And I couldn’t be happier.
I also worked extra hard to try wrap up my front yard project in time for her birthday. I’m mostly done and just need to add a few finishing touches. But, we did get to take pictures and enjoy it and that was the goal.
By the end of this week, I was emotionally and physically spent. I don’t know if I’m getting old or if it’s the pandemic or anxiety, but these big days are taking more out of me lately, and the bounceback seems to take longer.
Week 52
Well, this was our last full week before TD3 turns 1. It was rough. Between trying to manage things at home and the news of the Breonna Taylor decision, it was just a lot this week. I keep seeing memes that say Black people are exhausted and I feel it. With. Every. Fiber. Of. My. Being. But I still have to show up for my husband and my girls. I could not wife, but I can’t not mom. So everyday, I mustered as much strength as I could and did my best. That looked like trying to love on my girls as much as possible. Saying “Yes” to the things big and little that bring us joy. Getting outside. Eating dessert before dinner. And lots and lots of hugs and kisses.

with all three girls
We ended this week by going apple picking. It’s been years since we’ve gone. Even though the older girls were born, they don’t remember our last time. So it was fun to watch them experience it for the first time that they’ll remember. They had a blast climbing trees, picking and eating apples from em, and just being in the great outdoors. (Although when we got home, TD2 did say that was the longest drive ever.) Even TD3 picked a few apples. It was a great, joyous end to a tiring week…and a bittersweet end to these weekly updates.
The next time I talk to y’all, I’ll have a one-year-old. I thought I was in my feelings last week when TD1 turned 9, I know I’m about to be a mess y’all. But I’m also looking forward to all that’s to come in the next year.
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