If Week 7 had a title, it’d be Postpartum Anxiety. I ended last week feeling great. Then, out of nowhere I felt incredibly sad. It’s been a struggle to not let life’s little setbacks get me down. There’s been family stuff, parenting stuff, marriage stuff, job stuff, body stuff. And each thing has been met with tears. I’m like a living version of those pregnancy memes. Only post-pregnancy and not as funny.

Apparently, I gave birth to the same baby three times. A: TD3; B: TD2; C: TD1
You know what else is not funny? Getting spit up on. Which seems to be the sub-title of this week. TD3 and I ventured out to our first birthday party this week. Everything was great until TD2 got hurt (she’s fine) and we decided it was time to leave. I pick up TD3 to cover her before we go outside…and bleeehh all over my chin and down my shirt. Perfect I believe is the word everyone keeps using to describe her…yeah not so much in that moment.
We ended this week with our community group’s Friendsgiving. Even though my postpartum/breastfeeding hormones have me on an emotional rollercoaster, I was reminded how blessed I am as I enjoyed good food and laughter with good people.
So as we go into this eighth week, here’s to snuggles and cuddles from my girls big and baby (because let’s be real, I’m never too sad or frustrated for those). And to celebrating my 4 T’s and our many blessings.
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