Like I’m sure most moms do, I often sit back and stare in awe at my children. I’m not afraid to admit that I’m that mom that thinks I should call the 9 o’clock news because Tové just looked at me and smiled the biggest, most heartwarming smile. Or because Tempess has completely rewritten the words to Up, Up High (that’s Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star for all the nonfans that haven’t bought her CD yet).
But I digress.
So in true mommydom nature, I was staring at my girls, watching them play together. Before I knew it, I was back in my childhood, watching all of my favorite TV friends go through life with their twin sister by their side and thinking how awesome it would be if I had one of those too.

Tempess is still working to understand the concept of sisterdom, and that she’s a big sister. But she does know No Mommy. Baby Sister. Me Tempess.
And she taught Tové to crawl to her, which Tové did giggling and smiling the entire time. And they cannot stand being away from each other, both girls crawling over me and Todd to smell what the other just ate as they lay nose to nose and have giggle wars.
Watching Tempess openly embrace her role as big sister, eager to share her vast knowledge of the world with Tové, warms my heart in ways I’ve never known before.
Don’t get me wrong. Tempess is quick to tell me Mommy, Baby down, so that I can give her whatever it is she wants at the moment – dancing with her, food, kisses, more food. But as soon as that momentary desire has been met, she’s back in Tové’s face, singing Sister, Sister.
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