TB3 is the size of a Barbie convertible.

Week 29 – almost in the homestretch. All in all, this was a good week. Not too much craziness or illness or chaos. We managed to get in a playdate at the pool, a family date and VBS has given T-Daddy and me a few date nights. I even managed to adult and hang out with a friend I haven’t seen in a while.
On another note, I am starting to feel the results of nearing the end. My belly seems to always be there…in the way, and my pelvic area is always sore. All the stretches in the world seem to be no match for my body making ready for TB3 to bear down. I am almost always sitting on a yoga ball at home or at work.
This week did try to end on a bad note, but it quickly turned around. I took my 1-hour glucose test and found out I failed so I needed to take the 3-hour test. You can read all about the aftermath on my IGTV, but the good news is that BB and her crew came through with some extra loving (read: food) and I don’t have gestational diabetes.
So Week 29, is going out on a good note.
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