Today, TD1 turns the big 7.

It’s technically not a milestone birthday, yet it feels so special and worthy of being honored. To celebrate, we took some family photos with Truly Loved Photography, and will do family mani-pedis and have a bday meal at the restaurant of her choice.
I am filled with so many emotions about this day. Mostly disbelief and awe. I can’t believe that T-Daddy and I have a 7-year-old. I can’t believe that she’s closer to being a tween than she is a newborn. I can’t believe the time passed so fast. I still can’t believe God trusts me to be her mom. I’m in awe of the person that she is. I’m in awe of how no matter how much I question if I’m doing this mommydom thing right, she somehow seems to be just right. I’m in awe of the maturity she possesses already. I’m in awe of how understanding, compassionate and gracious she can be to others, both adults and children.
The Big 7 Because what’s family photos without silly faces Birthday Wishes Look at that GORGEOUS smile A family that runs together… #StormTheChamp
I find myself staring at her more these days. Talking to her more. Wanting to cherish her touch, her voice, her laugh, her presence. She has ideas, dreams, fears, opinions and feelings. Regardless of who or how I want her to be, she is her own person. That becomes apparent more and more each day. And the moments she chooses to share with me seem all that more precious now. Because she recognizes that she has a choice, and still chooses me. I know it won’t always be that way. It’s not always that way. Sometimes she chooses her friends. Sometimes it’s TD2. Sometimes it’s T-Daddy. I naively thought it would be me and her until she was at least 16, but those days, weeks, months came 10 years early.
As she excitedly embarks upon year 7, I can’t help but wonder the person she’ll grow up to be. I want her to soar higher than I ever thought I could. I want her to be so grounded in her faith and love for Jesus that not even T-Daddy or I can come between her and God. And I pray that, even at 7 years old, she feels the love and respect I have for her.

Happy 7th birthday to a girl who “God Must Have Spent a Little More Time On”!!!
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