Tag Momfessions

Momfessions: I Love Being a Mom…

…Except for when I hate being a mom. Ya know when I wanna be left alone, when I havta change diapers, when I havta deal with crying and tantrums. Ya know when I havta be a mom….

Momfessions: Kick, Push

The dolphin flips make all the aches, acid reflux and rollercoaster hormones worth it.

25 Thoughts of Mommydom

OMG those babies. My heart breaks everytime I hear something else about the shooting. Frankly, I would like to go back to the cozy little bubble known as T4 that I live in. While so many ppl are arguing gun… Continue Reading →

Momfessions #6

I’m sick.Temi’s sick. I’m tired. Temi’s tired. I’m sick and tired of it all. I’m not sure how much more of her clinging and screaming I can take. This is like NOTHING I’ve experienced before. She wants me to lay… Continue Reading →

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