Tag Mommyhood

I’m Scared: An Open Letter to My T’s

I’m scared so I hug you I’m scared so I kiss you I’m scared so I cuddle you close and smell the essence of you I let your sloppy wet kisses linger on my cheek I come find you in… Continue Reading →

When Mental Illness and Friendship Collide

I don’t know about you but when I picture a person suffering from depression, I picture someone who has cut off all communication with the outside world and is now cuddled in a corner of their apartment with tear-stained cheeks…. Continue Reading →

Getting Bigger

Until this year, my daughters have always taken a while to grow into their clothes. I mean like still wearing 24 months clothes on their 3rd birthday, kind of take a while. So imagine my surprise when at the start… Continue Reading →

TD1 and the Super Straight Hair

A few weeks ago, I came home and, as soon as I walked in the door, T-Daddy said, “She wants her hair like Elsa’s*. I have no idea who Elsa is or how her hair even is. I tried to… Continue Reading →

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