Tag Mommyhood

T-Talks: (Dis)Appointed

T-Mommy: I’m almost ready. I just need to finish these last two nails because if I don’t… TD1: I’m gon be so appointed because I really, really like my frozen nails. *Want nails like these for you or your daughter?… Continue Reading →

T-Talks: President Daddy

Looking at a $1 bill: TD2: Daaaaddy!! Me: No, that’s the First President of the United States. TD2: *angry scowl* DAAAAAADDDDY!! Me: That’s Daddy? TD2: Yes! Me: Daddy’s the President of the United States? TD2: Yes! Daddy! 😀 And, there… Continue Reading →

T4 Braves the Friendly Sky

T-Daddy and I finally took our first flight with the girls and it was interestingly non-eventful. Well, once we actually got in the air. Unlike the last few times we flew, we were actually early for our flight. TD2 was… Continue Reading →

T-Talks: White Brown

TD1 on race: I not black. I brown. Mommy, you’re not brown. You’re white brown!!! And my hand white brown too!

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