TD1: Look Mommy!!! I got a patend pampon (pretend tampon), just like you!!!! The things kids do with tissue……and the things they decide to imitate……
“Everything happens for a reason.” That has to be one of the most quoted lines in history. It’s usually said to explain away the unexplainable. For the more religious, the equivalent is “A blessing in disguise.” I don’t know if… Continue Reading →
T-Daddy was laying on the couch, shirtless when this happened: TD1: Daddy, you have small ones like me!!! T-Daddy: Yes, baby I do. Now don’t touch. Now that TD1 knows her anatomy and what nipples are, maybe it’s time to… Continue Reading →
Never say I don’t love my kids….. I just gave them the last of my pizza. If that isn’t love, then I’m incapable of loving anyone.
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