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On This Day…

Today is a special day for two reasons. On this day… 1. One year ago, T-Daddy and I became first-time homeowners. It was a very long process that didn’t go the way we expected, but we’re happy with our house…. Continue Reading →

Introducing TD3

Sticky post

After what seemed like an eternity, TD3 is here!! If you’ve been following along, you know the month leading up to her birth has been a very long and painful one. So much so that I went on home rest… Continue Reading →

TB3: Week 40

TB3 is the size of a beach ball. Week 40 was the longest shortest week ever! It started with my weekly prenatal appt and non-stress test. Before the morning was over, we were in heavy talks of delivering TB3 on… Continue Reading →

TB3: Week 39

TB3 is the size of a mini skateboard. Can’t believe I made to my due date y’all (assuming I don’t go into labor and deliver in the next few hours, but hey anything is possible). This is unbelievable.  This has… Continue Reading →

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