Tag Around the House

TD2 Is An Ar-teest

We recently put TD1 in Awana* (but that’s another story), and as I was working through her workbook with her, there were a few activities that required drawing.  Of course, TD2 wanted to draw as soon as she saw Big… Continue Reading →

T-Talks: Frosting

Overheard at the dinner table: T-Mommy: May I be excused? TD1: Ummmm, I still see food. T-Mommy: I’m gonna save it for later. TD1: Oh ok, you can be excused. T-Mommy: I ate all my vegetables. TD1: But why you didn’t… Continue Reading →

Sweet Dreams T4, Sweet Dreams

Lately, T4’s schedule has been off. Not we’re-eating-dinner-a-little-later off, but, pendulum-swinging, we’re-all-over-the-place, consistency-doesn’t-exist-in-our-world off. And, everyone and everything is suffering as a result of it. For the life of us, T-Daddy and I just cannot get and stay on top… Continue Reading →

DIY or Just DIFM

  I was in Barnes and Noble browsing, killing time while I waited for T-Daddy to pick me up when I stumbled upon the Kids’ Craft section. It was full of books and boxes for kids to do lots of fun… Continue Reading →

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