I was in Barnes and Noble browsing, killing time while I waited for T-Daddy to pick me up when I stumbled upon the Kids’ Craft section. It was full of books and boxes for kids to do lots of fun things like build your own erasers and rock painting kits.
“Man the girls would love this!”
I reached for several different kits, each time stopping myself. The girls would love this. Mommy wouldn’t. I want to love it. I want to do all kinds of fun, artsy things with them. I just never have time. I’m full of ideas, but not enough time or patience to execute.
I’m sure if I could slow down long enough to focus on the now and not the million other things I have to do, I could create some awesome projects with the girls. A few years ago, I decided I was going to teach myself how to draw because it’s always been something I’ve wanted to know how to do. It lasted all of three weeks. I managed to draw a few things, including a not-so-deformed Spiderman. It was enough to convince me that I could be good. Something happened, I fell out of my practice routine and the drawing journal I invested in has been collecting dust ever since.
So I put each kit down and moved on to another section with a hint of sadness. I wish I could buy all these DIY kits and actually complete them. But I know, in all honesty, they would just collect dust. Another great idea that I didn’t have the time to execute.
I dream of one day being able to manage my time and prioritize obligations so that I can be that super DIY mom. But today…today, I’m just that DIFM (do-it-for-me) mom. So I bought the Look and Find Jake and the Neverland Pirates book and skipped over the artsy stuff.
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