Category Daddyhood

Parents of Three: Month 1

TD3 LIKES: Mommy Nursing Eating Mommy’s face Music Walking with Daddy My sisters Being held Sleeping on Mommy or Daddy TD3 DISLIKES: Being in my carseat Diaper changes Loud noises Sleeping in my bassinet Can someone tell me how did… Continue Reading →

Parents of Three: Week 3

TD3 LIKES: Mommy Nursing Music Walking with Daddy My sisters Being held Sleeping for long periods of time TD3 DISLIKES: Being in my carseat Diaper changes Loud noises We’re three weeks today!! We celebrated by going to church for the… Continue Reading →

Parents of Three: Week 2

TD3 LIKES: Mommy Nursing Walking with Daddy My sisters Being held Sleeping TD3 DISLIKES: Being in my carseat Diaper changes Loud noises Well, we’ve survived another week and TD2 is officially two weeks old today.  We started the week off… Continue Reading →

On This Day…

Today is a special day for two reasons. On this day… 1. One year ago, T-Daddy and I became first-time homeowners. It was a very long process that didn’t go the way we expected, but we’re happy with our house…. Continue Reading →

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