Tag Mommyhood

Help!! I Need PPE!

So it’s happened. My big girl has gone and gotten all big girl on me. I mean she’s a preschooler and she has *gasp* friends. No, I’m not talking about her cousin friends. I mean friends that have no relational ties… Continue Reading →

Your Courage is Beautiful

This year for Veterans Day, my job is supporting Operation Courage is Beautiful. As part of our campaign, employees were asked to donate care packages for female soldiers. One of the items listed were Thank You cards. Because I’m always… Continue Reading →

“Election Means You Choose”

On Tuesday, like so many others in our timelines, T-Daddy and I voted. It wasn’t anything unique or special about our voting experience. In fact, it was pretty non-eventful – we went, we waited, we voted, we left. The day… Continue Reading →

Coming Home

Anyone that has talked to me in the past year knows how much I miss time spent with my bestie and fam. So a weekend of laughs, food and good times is just what my soul needed.

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