TB3 is the size of a junior tennis racquet. This week was a blur and super long. Between T-Daddy having to work long hours for work and me having to work long hours for work, I’m not quite sure how… Continue Reading →
TB3 is the size of a scooter board. I think this week can be summed up in a list: I have officially started counting down. Although, I’m convinced TB3 is going to come before her due date. I can feel… Continue Reading →
TB3 is the size of a foam finger. This was the week of the BIG reveal. And let’s be honest – no one really cares about anything else this week. If you missed it live (or just want to see… Continue Reading →
TB3 is the size of a motorcycle helmet. What. A. Week. This week has been all about TD1’s allergies. I’ve been delving deeper into the black hole that is corn allergy. Each new discovery led to more feelings of overwhelm… Continue Reading →
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