TB3 is the size of a troll doll.

Including because childhood nostalgia.
This week went by super fast. So fast in fact that I barely even realized it went by. I won’t complain though because it brought quite a few wins with it:
- TD2 is recovering well from her surgery. She had a few play dates, went back to school. She seems to be adjusting to her “new voice” quite well.
- We finally got the car situation figured out. I’m the proud owner of a new-to-me minivan. And T-Daddy is somewhere in the #HappyWifeHappyLife camp, but still swearing he’s never driving “that thing.” Apparently, the only thing he hates more than minivans are boybands. Our date night later this month is going to be really interesting when he accompanies his very preggo wife to the B2K reunion concert.
- Having two of my major worries pretty much taken care of means that my anxiety is back to normal pregnancy levels.
- I am generally feeling good these days.
- The sun is out!!
While Week 14 came with the wins, it also came with the realization that my stomach is huge (to/for me). I spent a few days bending over and getting low and paid severely for it. Also, trying to tie my shoes or put on shoes for that matter, is straight up the devil. I am sooooo ready for flip flop season. Maybe that will force me to find time for that pedicure I’ve been promising myself. I may have also caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror before bed one night and barely recognized the stomach staring back at me. I took a pic of it and sent it to KB, who was surprised that I was 14 weeks pregnant, but refused to tell me how pregnant she thought I was, just that maybe there’s more than 1 in there after all. Followed by “I’m just trying to help.”
And that’s just one more reason I love my friends. I’ll never know if she really thought my stomach was huge or not, but she at least let me live in the moment. Which is huge for me. Because these days, I do feel huge.* I’m staring at my belly every time I walk past the mirror, thinking how much bigger it’s gotten since the last time I looked at it. And the truth is, it is getting bigger and it is huge…for me. Even when I have a gazillion people telling me how small I am compared to how big they were when they were at this stage.
So thanks KB for letting me go on and on about my big (to me) belly and indulging me.
*Watching my belly grow and feeling the baby kick are the two most wonderful things about pregnancy to me. Right now, it’s uncomfortable and, at times, painful. But I love it. Yes, I wish it was less painful, but I thoroughly enjoy rubbing my round belly and anxiously waiting to feel those first flutters.
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