TB3 is the size of a game controller.

Remember how I called Week 16 a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad week? Well, clearly I hadn’t met Week 17 yet.
This week was off to a good start – I started feeling better just in time to produce our Good Friday and Easter services. My grandfather came home from the hospital. I was in a good mood. Things were starting to look up.

And that’s when it happened. Family drama. Multiple anxiety attacks. An episode of not feeling well that eventually led to multiple doctor visits. Apparently, I’m either extremely stressed and overworked or I have more than the normal pregnancy symptoms going on. Either way, this mama has been prescribed less stress and more rest.
I’m extremely thankful to T-Daddy for picking up the slack and staying by my side as I spent an entire day in the ER (and the first of multiple trips to doctors/hospitals). I’m thankful to everyone who insisted I go get checked out when I kept saying “I’m fine. It’s just been a long week.” And to everyone who has checked in on me and prayed for me.
I don’t have answers for what’s going on, but I’m hoping to find them soon. In the meantime, I am taking extra care to do a little less and pay more attention to my body over the next 22 weeks.
And because I want to end Week 17 on a high note:
- I finally made it to yoga. It was hard and there were tears and stopping to rest, but I. MADE. IT.
- I saw TB3! In attempts to get answers, a limited ultrasound was done to look at baby and my surrounding areas. And for a few blissful seconds, all I felt was joy – no pain or worry, just pure, blissful joy. I even got a picture to take home. (And yes, we showed the TDs.)
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