TB3 is the size of a cabbage patch doll.

I coulda just given the TDs mine from my childhood…it woulda been a lot less painful, that’s for sure.
Week 36…what can I say. This was the week that forced me to face reality – TB3 is almost here. I was really forced to face reality that I’ve gone as far as I can go. It wasn’t a reality I wanted to admit as mentally I feel like I should still be able to go much further. Physically, my body’s like “Nah son!” Between the pelvic pain/pressure and the increasing cramps, plus the feet swelling, the end is nigh. So I’m facing the fact that the time has come for me to sit out.
Coming to that realization was emotionally painful and tearful (yes, I cried real thug tears). I may have had to have several people tell me “We got this if you don’t feel up to it.” or “You really need to rest.” The kicker was when T-Daddy looked me in the eyes and said he was worried about me and scared I was going to work myself into having to be induced because I overdid it. Something about the tone of his voice and the look in his eyes just got me. It also didn’t help that BB told me, “Your husband is trying to protect and lead you. If you don’t let him now, you can’t get mad later when you want him to and he doesn’t.”
So I’m letting my husband lead me into a season of rest before TB3 comes. I’m scared, but I’m trusting God.
On a happier note, T-Daddy and I have started seriously looking at names and we have come up with a few that we like. I don’t know what it is about picking names, but all of a sudden I feel closer to TB3. I’m actually excited to meet her and shower her with love.
I’m not ready, but I’m ready for her to make her debut. She can keep the 3am contractions though.
And as if right on cue, my amazing coworkers surprised me with a cake today. It was the perfect ending to an otherwise imperfect week. I’m so grateful to work with such awesome people.
Goodbye 36 weeks. Hello 37 weeks. How you doing Final Stretch?
09/04/2019 at 11:41 PM
You got this! Stay strong. I’m super excited and can’t wait to meet her.
09/05/2019 at 9:31 PM
Thanks!! I can’t wait to meet her either. I’m getting all emotional now that we’re at the end lol