
It’s been awhile since I announced that we were moving and getting settled has taken a lot longer than I anticipated.

BUT, we’re home!!

There are still a few boxes that need to be unpacked and we’re still decorating. Honestly, with school and working, plus the chaos of having a preschooler, this could take a while. But I want to keep you guys updated. There’s a lot going on with T4. So here’s a brief update of what we’ve been up to with more to come.

1. I started school. Impromptu decision that is going to benefit me a lot, but is currently all time-consuming and stressful to say the least.

2. TD1 is a preschooler. Yeah, I’m speechless…..

3. TD2 has become the master of nonverbal communication. At 18 months, her vocabulary consists of “Daaaaaaaddy,” “Anh” and very recently “Mommy.” But, if she wants bread instead of chicken, you will know.

4. T-Daddy and I are both working on some personal things that are helping us grow as a couple and as parents. Nowadays, more often than not, I feel like “We got this!”

5. T-Daddy accepted a new position at his job. It’s a lateral move doing something totally new. I am beyond ecstatic, happy and proud of and for him.

*Need help with nicknames? Make sure you go Meet T4 and learn all about your fave foursome.