Cuteness overload….who does she think she is??!! She ready!
I should’ve known this week was gonna be a doozy when we had to cancel T-Daddy and TD1’s daddy/daughter date because she was on one. Then, TD2 got hurt on our mommy/daughter date. The only good thing about the way this week started was that TD3 wore shoes for the first time and slayed. (She also decided T-Daddy’s apple was so good, she was gonna go for his pear.)
Then because why not…T-Daddy got sick…again. It was short-lived this time, but I’m pretty sure it broke me. My anxiety skyrocketed and I started having nightmares. And this was before the coronavirus craziness on which we would end our week.
The rest of the week was just a blur of things gone wrong/crazy. TD3’s teething and not sleeping very well. She’s also super clingy at times. The girls’ school closed. We had to cancel playdates and our family vacation we were taking next week. T-Daddy and I went to a wedding – our first night away from TD3 ever – and my frigging shoe broke. Then amidst all of the coronavirus quarantine craziness, T-Daddy and I were both scheduled to serve today at our church. Which means, today was TD3’s first day in the nursery at church. I was all good, until I wasn’t. 10 minutes before service started, I came down with intense anxiety and had to power through the oncoming attack to put her in the nursery and serve. It was rough, but she was great and I survived.
There were a few wins this week – I got my eyebrows did (no more Groucho look for me). Got a new outfit. Visited with a childhood friend from out of town. Went on a much needed date with T-Daddy. Aaaanndddd….TD3’s trying to crawl.
I’m ending this week with one of my favorite things – movie night with my T’s. Who knows what this upcoming week holds, but I’m looking forward to hopefully being able to reset and spending time with the fam. Just hope I enjoy it more than they drive me crazy. Be safe everyone!
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