I found these pix and video from earlier this month. What’s not captured is Temi snatching the straw from her Dada Daddy smh….
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I found these pix and video from earlier this month. What’s not captured is Temi snatching the straw from her Dada Daddy smh….
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07/09/2012 at 12:12 PM
I let Jack have a little juice from one of the drink boxes we had at the party…He sucked it down like he was in a race! I’m so scared to give him juice because I don’t want to fight with him to drink water. What are your feelings about Temi drinking juice?
07/09/2012 at 12:19 PM
If I can hold out on juice and candy for a few years, I’d be very happy. I don’t even want her to have cake. She eats everything and grandparents like to dishonor wishes so I’m not sure how that will hold up, but I definitely don’t want her to be a sugar junkie before she’s in school. Completely banning it will probably make her try to sneak it, so maybe I’ll find a nice moderation technique to adopt.