TB3 is the size of a rollerblade.

Happy 4th of July! Happy 28 weeks! Happy 3rd trimester!
While everyone else was celebrating the birthday of America, a day off and good food, I celebrated hitting the third trimester. This means doctor visits every two weeks now. Yippee!!!
The week started on the holiday so it was pretty busy with the 4th of July Parade, cooking and fireworks. Sadly, a friend lost his father to cancer before the day was over. The rest of this week was spent helping out with the funeral and doing work. My therapist and BB were both adamant that I check in to make sure that I didn’t get emotionally overwhelmed.
Honestly, I’m grateful for that. To have people in my corner who understand how things just impact you differently when you’re pregnant. While I didn’t have an emotional overload during the funeral, it did give me a lot to think about. As I listened to the tributes, I reflected on my role as a parent. My friend’s dad loved Christ and everyone that spoke talked about how that impacted every action he took, and ultimately is a huge part of his legacy. It’s what he leaves his kids and grandkids, among so many other things.
As he neared his last days, I watched from the sidelines how his family’s faith carried them through. It’s what I want for my own family one day. It’s what I want for me now. To have the kind of faith that gets you through life’s hardest and most unexpected moments. I don’t know that I have that or that I always model that for the TDs. I also thought a lot about what I want my own legacy to be and how I can start building that now. But mostly, I walked away wanting to make sure I make the most of every moment with each of my kids, including the one that’s growing inside me.
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