A few days ago, TD2 got hurt at school. I was working in the office when her teacher brought her to me to console her. He told me what happened and I showered her with lots of Mommy love and a bandaid. We took some deep breaths to calm down and I walked her back to her class. A short while later, she came back with a picture.
T-Mommy: What’s this a picture of?
TD2: What happened when I got hurt.
T-Mommy: What happened sweetie?
TD2: I was walking on this and I fell.
T-Mommy: And this is you after you fell?
TD2: *nods*
T-Mommy: Who is this?
TD2: Mr. Banana
*Mr. Banana is her nickname for her teacher.
09/23/2018 at 12:47 PM
Oh no! I hope she is feeling better. I also love her creativeness/story telling by way of illustrations.
09/23/2018 at 1:20 PM
IKR! She has a real gift. We need to get her in some art classes.